
The Sopranos 3x07 - Second Opinion 英文筆記

  • count backwards 倒數
    例:I want you to count backwards from 10.
  • hector 欺凌、恐嚇、欺壓
    例:Even here, you hector me?
  • frozen section 冰凍切片
  • move along = keep going 向前移動
    例:Can we move this along? I have a thyroid in OR six at 10:30.
  • thyroid 甲狀腺
  • OR = operating room 手術室
  • BP = blood pressure 血壓
  • think the world of sb. 非常崇敬某人
    例:My uncle thinks the world of you.
  • skybox 貴賓席、貴賓室 (運動場)
  • MIA = missing in action 戰場失縱人員
    例:Check comes, suddenly you're MIA.
  • probation period 試用期、觀察期、緩刑期 (法律用語)
    例:New York reopens the books, but they also laid it down. Probationary period.
  • simulcast 多個頻道同時播放、聯播
    例:Too many people are doing a simulcast.
  • that's all there is to it 就這麼簡單、該說的都說完了、就是這樣
    例:You're going, young man. That's all there is to it.
  • for a change 為了換換口味、為了改變一下
    例:You're all packed and paid for. You're gonna pay attention, and you're gonna learn something for a change.
  • balsamic 香膠的、香脂的、香油的
  • chain of 什麼的連鎖店
    例:Now, Stamfa's is a chain of drugstores.
  • tranquilizer = sedative 鎮定劑
  • blow sth. out of proportion 小題大作
    例:You are blowing this all out of proportion. We worry about you, that's all.
  • strip mall 一種商店並排的長條形賣場
  • zone 規劃成什麼地帶
    例:- Maybe you forgot, dad's little strip mall on route 17 was zoned residential until Tony made a phone call. - Oh, please, my heart bleeds. What? The waters don't part for you wherever you go? (比喻 Tony 的錢像摩西分紅海,使親人都受惠)
  • heart bleeds 心痛、悲傷、同情
  • bass 鱸魚
  • wacky 古怪的、奇怪的
  • Rite Aid 美國知名藥房、賣場連鎖店
  • mood swing 心理學名詞,指情緒變化劇烈。
  • under the weather 身體不舒服、生病、宿醉
    例:The fact is, Tony isn't under the weather today. He just didn't feel like coming.
  • out of sorts 身體不好、心情不好、情緒化、脾氣不好
    例:Tony has been out of sorts for so long and there's nothing I can do to help him.
  • stir up 激起、煽動
    例:I think coming to therapy with him has stirred up a lot of feelings in you that you would like to address with somebody.
  • vent 發洩、排氣
    例:I am not the one who needs mental help. I just needed to vent.
  • pathology 病理學
  • malignant 惡性的、有害的
    例:It's possible though that there may be some malignant cells we didn't get.
  • nodal 結的、腫瘤的
  • amended 改善的、改進的、修正的
    例:It's called amended surgery.
  • prep 準備 (接受手術)
    例:We can admit and prep you Monday night.
  • disinfectant 消毒劑
    例:You tell me to take a crap on the deck of the Queen Mary, an hour later, they're hosing her down with disinfectant.
  • be no picnic 是件難事、不是件簡單的事
    例:I tell you, shopping for one is no picnic.
  • poodle 貴賓狗
  • vet 獸醫
  • Sasquatch 大腳雪怪
  • hold back 躲 (藏) 在後面、遲疑、逃避參與
    例:He's saying you're holding back again?
  • inconsiderate 粗心的、不經大腦的、不顧別人的
    例:That's why they invented microwaves. For inconsiderate husbands.
  • bust one's chops 字面上意思是「打某人的嘴巴」,實際意思是為難某人。
    例:Don't bust my chops. I got a lot on my mind.
  • gather 推論、下結論
    例:I'm having lunch with our daughter's dean tomorrow. I gather you won't be joining me.
  • sit around with one's thumb up one's ass 閒閒沒事幹 (姆指放在屁股表示什麼事也做不了)
    例:I want them to be backwards and ignorant, and sit around with their thumb up their ass.
  • fluffy 毛絨絨的、蓬鬆的
  • osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症
  • T.G.I. Friday's = Friday's 美式餐廳
  • hold the bag 扛下責任、負責
    例:He left Angie holding the bag, which is not right.
  • shipment 裝運、裝載的貨物
  • pier 碼頭、橋墩
  • accommodational 和解的、適應的、體貼的
    例:Don't drag me into whatever bullshit accomodational pretense you've got worked out with daddy.
  • pretense 假裝、虛偽、做作
  • remand 遣回、還押、送還、發回重審
    例:I need being remanded to a jail hospital right now like I need a case of crabs.
  • under the knife 手術
    例:Kennedy's putting me under the knife again.
  • mick 愛爾蘭人 (有貶意)
  • White Castles 美國速食店
  • attentive 關切的、有禮貌的
  • inquiring 懷疑的、愛發問的、好奇的
    例:The professors say she's attentive, inquiring, does all her work, and makes insightful contributions to class discussions.
  • insightful 有洞察力的、有見解的
  • kayak = canoe 獨木舟、划獨木舟
  • break ground 動土、開工、動工
    例:We break ground next fall.
  • inscribe 刻、題、雕
    例:See the large black marble wall to the of the entrance? That's where the donor names will be inscribed.
  • regimen 飲食療法
  • convene 集會、召集、傳喚
    例:Convene a tumor board.
  • oncological 腫瘤學的
  • consensus 共識、一致
    例:A meeting of the chief of oncology, an oncological pathologist, and other specialists who then work together to reach a consensus.
  • life-and-death 重要的、攸關生死的
    例:You make life-and-death decisions because of a man's name?
  • worship 崇拜、尊敬、崇敬
    例:Let me ask you something about this JFK worship of yours.
  • third degree 逼供、拷問
  • pulp 果肉
  • sum total 總計、總合
    例:That was the sum total of your trip to the nation's capital?
  • payroll 薪水帳冊、發薪名單
  • sniff 嗅、聞
    例:He was sniffing her panties.
  • quirky 古怪的
  • satiety 飽足、腹漲
  • gastric 胃的
  • resection 切除 (術)
    例:He recommended gastric resection for cure.
  • systolic 心臟收縮的
    例:His pressure fell below 60 systolic for eight minutes on the table.
  • adenocarcinoma 腺癌
  • look over one's shoulder 回頭看有沒有人在追你,比喻持續注意有沒有危險、疑神疑鬼。
    例:The last thing I need is to operate with that little shit looking over my shoulder.
  • sugarcoat 包上糖衣、包裝得很漂亮
    例:Don't sugarcoat it!
  • have a soft spot for 對什麼容易心軟,或產生同情心。
    例:If my nephew Cubby wasn't dead, I'd have a soft spot for him.
  • as of = as from 從某個時間起、從某個時間開始
    例:As of the wedding day, anything that touches her pussy is off-limits.
  • off-limits 禁止入內的區域
  • go at 努力從事於
    例:Sounds like you were going at it pretty good in there.
  • bride-to-be = fiancee 未婚妻
  • overstep 踏過、超過、逾越
    例:I may be overstepping my boundaries here, but you are Jewish, aren't you?
  • sanctity 聖潔、崇高、神聖
    例:Us Catholics, we place a great deal of stock in the sanctity of the family.
  • predicament = plight 困境、困難、苦衷
    例:Many patients want to be excused from their current predicament because of events that occurred in in their childhood.
  • quell 壓抑、壓制、鎮壓、平息
    例:You'll never be able to quell the feelings of guilt and shame that you talk about.
  • redemption / redeem 贖回、贖罪、償還、挽回
  • reflect 反省
    例:I think were your husband to turn himself in, read this book and reflect on his crime every day for seven years in his cell, then he might be redeemed.
  • blood money 血腥錢
  • division of labor 工作分配、分工
    例:I figure in the division of labor around here, that's your job.

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